IDE Configuration
IDE Configuration
Interfacing between SVN and IDEs
Here we provide basic instructions for interfacing between the CT repository and some common Java IDEs:
NetBeans 6.5
- From the toolbar, select 'Versioning >> Subversion >> Checkout'.
- A wizard screen appears.
- For Repository URL fill in:
https://viki.eecs.harvard.edu/repos/ct3/trunk or https://viki.eecs.harvard.edu/repos/ct3/branches
- Fill in your username and password (or leave it blank for anonymous access) and check the 'save Username and Password' box
- Click Next
- Browse and select the repository folders that you would like to check out
- Browse to a Local Folder where you would like to store the sourcecode
- Check the box 'Scan for Netbeans Projects after checkout'
- Click finish to start the actual checkout process.
- Once the checkout is completed, NetBeans will prompt you to ask if you would like to create a IDE project from the checked-out sources. Select 'Create project...'
- Select Category 'Java' and Projects 'Java Free-Form Project' and click on the Next button to continue.
- Click on the Browse button next to 'Location' and locate the directory that you just checked out (the location will be the same as 'Local Folder' earlier). Once you select this folder and click on the Open button the rest of the fields will automatically be filled in.
- Check or uncheck the box 'Set as Main Project' and click on Next.
- The ant compile options may be edited at will. Click on Next.
- Click on 'Add Folder' and select the folders that contain the source files of the project. For ct3 that is at least 'src'. Click on the Next button to continue.
- Click on 'Add JAR/Folder' to add compiled classes to the classpath. Most likely you would like to add 'dist/ct3.jar' here. (If you do not have a 'dist' folder yet, you will have to compile your code once. Do this by navigating to the directory where you checked out the code and type 'ant'.) Now click on the Finish button.
- The project and the files will appear in NetBeans, ready to be edited.
Eclipse 3.4 and up
, multiple selections available,