The Board

The Board


A Board object is by default a grid consisting of multiple colored squares.



Each Square defines a unique location on the board that is captured by a Cartesian coordinate. In Colored Trails, the coordinates are represented by RowCol objects. A row on the Board represents a point on the Y-axis and a column represents a point on the X-axis. An example:

A Board object

The board class is part of the edu.harvard.eecs.airg.coloredtrails.shared.types package. The main Board constructor takes two arguments: the number of rows and the number of columns.

public Board(int rows, int cols)
    	put("Rows", new Integer(rows));
    	put("Cols", new Integer(cols));

        for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
            for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
            	put("Square." + r + "-" + c, new Square("snow"));

The board will usually be defined in the Config file, like so:

board = new Board(4,4);